Preventing Ticks This Summer

Summer is tick season in Iowa, and in recent years, there’s been a surge in illnesses caused by these pests. The most common tick-borne disease is Lyme disease, but others, like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, are also a concern. Pro-Staff, the Des Moines pest control company, has some tips to help you stay safe from ticks this summer.

Avoid Tick-Infested Areas

To protect yourself from tick bites, try to avoid tick-infested areas. Wooded areas, long grass, and shrubs could all be infested with ticks. If you decide to walk or hike through these areas, try to stay in the center of the trail.

Wear Suitable Clothing

If you’ll be in tick habitat, wear clothing that will protect your skin. This means long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and enclosed shoes. Tuck your pants into your socks to keep ticks from crawling up your pant legs. Choose light-colored clothing to keep yourself comfortable on hot days and to make crawling ticks easier to spot.

Use Tick Repellant

For more protection from ticks, apply tick repellent to your clothing. The CDC recommends treating clothing with products that contain 0.5% permethrin. Once the product has been applied to your clothes, it will stay in place for several washings. For extra coverage, tick repellents that contain DEET can be applied to exposed skin.

Maintain Your Property

A well-maintained yard is less attractive for ticks because they have fewer places to hide. To keep ticks at bay, mow your lawn regularly, prune overgrown shrubs, and remove leaf litter. Stylish landscaping features, like stone pathways or decking, can help you enjoy your property without coming into contact with ticks.

Treat Your Yard for Ticks

For even more protection from ticks, consider treating your yard with insecticides that kill ticks. Late spring is the best time to treat your yard to control ticks in their early life stages, and one treatment is usually enough to last through the summer. If you choose to treat your own yard, carefully read and follow the product’s label instructions.

Tick season has arrived in Iowa, and these pests can be dangerous. This summer, take precautions to keep yourself and your family safe from tick-borne diseases. For help controlling ticks on your property, contact Pro-Staff, the Des Moines pest control specialists.

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