The Swarming of the Termites

If you’ve ever watched Saturday morning cartoons, you’ve seen what a “swarm” of termites can do to a house in a matter of seconds. Though an exaggeration, it can almost feel like a reality when you’re staring at all the damage termites have already caused. Don’t panic! Rest assured that with this information you’ll be able to think about your next steps more rationally.

Why Do They Swarm?
After producing their offspring during the warm swarming season, younger termites called “swarmers” head off in gendered groups. Once a male and female swarmer pair up, they look for a place to start their own colony. Since they prefer warm climates, our homes make for ideal locations.

When Should You Act?
As soon as you first start seeing signs of termites, you should consult your local pest control expert. Termite only need a minimum of thirty minutes to invade a house successfully. The termite team at Pro Staff Iowa offers a free consutation. The sooner you start treating for them, the harder it will be for them to grow and create more damage.

What Can You Do?
If you don’t yet have the means to exterminate them, there are a few things you can do to hinder their progress throughout the house.

  • Contain them either by shutting the door to the room they are working on, or taping plastic over the holes they use to get in and out. Simply trapping them is better than nothing.
  • Pull out the vacuum cleaner and start cleaning them up. Throw them into a bag and toss them in the garbage.
  • Be sure to save some of the termites in a little baggy to show the inspector.

Can They Be Removed Permanently?
They can definitely be removed permanently if the proper procedures are taken. After they have been exterminated from the house, check around your house to make sure that there are no small holes for them to climb back in— especially if you don’t have your perimeters protected with termite-dissuading chemicals.

The expert termite inspection Des Moines team at ProStaff is ready to tackle your swarm infestation at a moment’s notice. Contact or call us today at 515-279-7378 and let us protect your home from any further damage.

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